Our Mission

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At Proffitt’s Resurrection Land Cruisers, we are passionate about and dedicated to the Toyota Land Cruiser, and we believe that no other vehicle can provide the same experiences, invoke the same feelings and emotions, or help create the same kinds of memories that this legendary 4X4 does. We exist to preserve and enhance the legendary Land Cruiser in a way that nobody else can. We do this by striving for organizational excellence, employing professionals and lifelong learners who want to be a part of something special and bigger than any one of us.  We source or develop only the best parts, materials, techniques, and processes to accomplish our goals. All of our business is conducted with meticulous attention to detail. We care about and are responsible to our employees, our clients, our business relationships, and our community.  And we keep improving, every day.
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Proffitt’s has been building Land Cruisers since 1995. We are well past the learning curves associated with our industry and have withstood the tests of time. Over the more than 20 years of experience building Land Cruisers, our team has practically done it all. We have restored over 100 Land Cruisers, performed over 200 engine conversions, engineered nearly as many custom suspensions, plus designed, fabricated, and installed thousands of bumpers, roll cages, steering and brake conversions, and other custom Toyota Land Cruiser products. With that much under our belt, we’ve streamlined essentially all of the processes and have knowledge of all of the correct parts necessary for virtually any Land Cruiser build. Moreover, I believe that the systems we’ve developed over all those years has resulted in “our way” of performing these services being “the best way possible”. From design, placement, parts and materials, plus an expert eye for “correctness”. We just do it right.

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Our reputation for building the best Land Cruisers has allowed us to grow considerably over the last few years. We are deeply grateful to all of our clients and fans for all of their committed support.
